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MyBestWriting: How It Works?

Order papers in a couple of clicks! Your perfect academic content is as near as that:

  • Provide instructions

Let your writer know what exactly you need to be done. To do so, you will have to complete a simple Order form. You will see different lines there, including work type, paper topic, deadline, formatting style, academic level, etc. Make sure to provide accurate information about every aspect of your assignment. Then add more detailed instructions using the field below. You can also upload instructions in a .doc, .pdf, .jpg, or other format. If you have files to be used – make sure to upload them as well. Please mind that you can add them later (there is a Files section available at your Control Panel). The more information you provide, the better your helper will understand your request.

  • Your contact info

To get access to your personal account, you need to provide a valid email. The system will generate login information, and you will get a note as soon as registration is over. Use the provided details to enter your Control Panel. Also, we kindly ask you to add your phone number. Our Customer Support will send you a message in case any questions about the order arise. However, for more urgent cases, we need your phone number to contact you immediately.

  • Payment

After the Order form is completed, you will be headed to a payment page. Use your credit card and make fast payment. Be sure of your safety – we protect you with advanced security systems. And don’t forget to apply promo code to get a discount if this is your first order!

  • Writing

Now your writer is assigned. You will get an email notification that the order is in process. You are free and have a rest because your tasks are in reliable hands! Don’t forget that you can reach your writer directly and discuss any question regarding your paper at any time.

  • Delivery

Congratulations, your order is done! We will upload a preview version to the Files section, so you should enter your account to take a look at it. Confirm it if everything is okay or place on the revision status if something is wrong. We guarantee to fix it for free!

How to use your paper? is against any acts that can be considered as academic cheating. We insist that a delivered paper is only a sample, and you should use it accordingly. This means that writing your name on the title page and claiming yourself as the author of the work is not an option. Please use the paper as reference material and source of ideas to create your own piece. You can follow the writer’s way of thought and use the document as an example. Avoid plagiarism!